The Remedy for Life series takes the artist back to her roots. It deals with Sasha Huber’s relationship with belonging and the element of water, and with the importance of the Rhine river, in particular, since she grew up beside it. It reflects the way she finds a sense of being at home next to lakes and the sea after relocating to Finland over twenty years ago, and how the sea also connects her to the shores of her maternal home in faraway Haïti. Remedy for Life further reflects on the urgency of caring for all waters, which are gradually diminishing and in places are polluted by the effects of colonialism and industrial exploitation. For many years now, Huber has claimed the compressed-air staple gun as her own, aware of its symbolic significance as a weapon, while offering the potential for renegotiating unequal power dynamics. For Huber shooting a staple symbolically stitches the colonial wound together, while also tending those wounds.

Sasha Huber, My heart, my seed, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 83 cm x 118 cm, 2022. Private collection.

Sasha Huber, Stream, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 83 cm x 118 cm, 2022

Sasha Huber, Drops, siemeneni, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 83 cm x 118 cm, 2022

Sasha Huber, Mami Wata, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 83 cm x 118 cm, 2022

Sasha Huber, My heart, my Seed, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 84 cm x 118 cm, 2022

Sasha Huber, Seed, metal staples on wood, oak frame, 30 cm x 38 cm, 2022. Private collection.