From left:

Trophy I. 2010.
Metal staples on birch wood, 120 x 150 cm.

Haiti Cherie
. 2010-11.
Video installation, 6:10 min.

Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier (Dictator of Haiti, 1971-86). 2004.
Metal staples on abandoned wood, 80 x 115 cm.

Christopher Columbus (Conqueror, 15th century). 2004.
Metal staples on abandoned wood, 80 x 115 cm.

Rentyhorn. 2008.
Mixed media Installation.

Louis Who? What you should know about Louis Agassiz. 2010.
Mixed media installation.

Agassiz: The Mixed Traces Series. Somatological Triptych of Sasha Huber. Furnas de Agassiz in the Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro, 2010.

Strange Fruit Bowl. 2009.
Metal staples on fire burned wood with hemp ropes, 30 x 30 x 20 cm.