This book has been produced to document the Rentyhorn artistic project by Sasha Huber. The process culminated in an installation that was first exhibited in autumn 2008. The whole or parts of the installation has since been shown in several national and international exhibitions and events. In 2010, the Rentyhorn installation became part of the permanent collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki. This ongoing journey of discovery began in the summer of 2008, when Hans Fässler invited Huber to join the Transatlantic committee “Demounting Louis Agassiz”. The book includes rolex replica texts from Europe and the Americas, by curators, historians, a philosopher, a social scientist, a journalist and an artist.
Editor: Sasha Huber
Texts: Pirkko Siitari, Hans Fässler, Hans Barth, Suzana Milevska, Maria Helena P. T. Machado,
Mikael Wahlström, Johanna Sarjas, Patty Colman, Petri Saarikko.
112 Pages, b/w and color Offset,
Hardcover with foiling and embossing,
17 x 24 cm, First Edition.
ISBN 978-951-53-3267-7, ISSN 0789-0338
A Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma Publication 126 / 2010
Supported by: Arts Council of Finland
Out of print.